Do you think the Cinnamon Challenge or the Tide Pod challenge were for sissies? You’ve come to the right place!
How many jokes are there in Top Secret! ?
A.K.A. the true story of how the guitarist for Dr. Pep and the Toe Biz Maulers plays his guitar with two bags of walnuts.
Call me Pope Ernie. Or His Holiness Ernest the Oneth, if you’re a Shiite Catholic.
Ten years since she left us: Here’s to one of the greatest dogs of all time.
The sprawling, epic saga of four (or five, sort of) influential authors, all of whom have, alas, joined the choir invisible, but who also, may all our flagons of ale in Valhalla ever be full, cannot sue me.
You know what’s wrong with kids these days? I’ll TELL ya what’s wrong with kids these days!
Reliving the Great Car Stereo Wars of the ’70s.
How to take people apart to see how they work.
Adulting really sucks sometimes.
Today I’m binge-watching Bob Ross. No, really.
The frogs are here! TODAY, the World!! A TIDAL WAVE OF SLITHERING, SLIMY HORROR!
Now the creepy triple-headed album cover makes more sense.
Before Rohypnol, Jethro Tull T‑shirts were, alas, the only way a lot of guys could get laid.
You’ve heard this saying: “If you don’t like the weather in (wherever you are), just wait five minutes and it’ll change!” This, my friends, is Fake News.
I love the smell of The Surfaris first thing in the morning!
John Denver didn’t die, kid. He just went home.
This post is about a song by The Righteous Brothers. I don’t know if they really were righteous, but I do know they weren’t brothers.
When you adopt a dog, you’re taking responsibility not only to provide for her, but also to do right by her when it’s time to make tough decisions. It can be heartbreaking.